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to criticize bài bác
to criticize bác bẻ
to criticize châm biếm
to criticize kích bác

5000FR: critiquer to criticize
GBENDE: 评价 to criticize beurteilen
GBENDE: 批评 to criticize kritisieren

ENDE: to criticize beurteilen
ENDE: to criticize kritisieren

like: to criticize
(1) to criticize
(2) to bend, break, pick (fruit), fold, pin

2157 I think it was very unfair of him to criticize me. Tôi nghĩ thật bất công khi anh ấy phê phán tôi.

We were taught how to criticize poems. criticize
You're a fine one to talk! (= you are not in a position to criticize, give advice, etc.) fine
Who am I to pass judgement on her behaviour? (= to criticize it) judgement
one to do sth: She was never one to criticize. one
You were quite right to criticize him. right
Without wanting to criticize, I think you could have done better. (= used before you make a critical comment) without

critiquer ils s’arrogent le droit de me critiquer, me juger